
My Name is

Sandeep Chaubey

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About me

Full Stack Web Developer

Hi, My name is Sandeep Chaubey . I am pursuing B.tech in Chemical engineering from IIT Varanasi. I am an enthusiast and determined student also an independent and self-motivated student with proven ability and experienced in developing Web Development projects with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React ....I possess the quality of a learner and always ready to learn new technologies.

Recent Projects

Waste Segregation using CNN

a project conducted under the supervision of durga prasad from IIT BHU faculty. This Exploratory project application can classify waste with different waste materials and it will show you the details of that particular waste material using the VGG16 Transfer learning technique. Trained this model using 5000+ images till 32 epochs and finally achieved an accuracy of 60%. Exposures: Tensorflow and keras .


Stock Market Prediction using NLP

In this project, I build an ML Model helpful in predicting the movement of a stock by considering the reviews of brokers towards the market and at the same time also considering the news associated with the desired stock. Exposures - Natural language processing and Naive's Bayes classifier


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Sandeep Chaubey
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